In The News
Congressmen Murphy and Jolly co-host on Sirius XM POTUS channel 124 and discuss Why Gridlock Rule Washington
June 20, 2018
“Former Congressmen Patrick Murphy (D) and David Jolly (R) co-host the Steele and Unger show on Sirius XM POTUS channel 124 and discuss why gridlock rules Washington.”
Patrick Murphy and David Jolly Mull Bipartisan Bid for Governor. Why Not? | Rangel – Florida Today
May 25, 2018
“This is not an endorsement of a Murphy-Jolly ticket, but I’d like to see how this experiment would play out in an era of deep divide in our state and country. Let’s face it, it will take more than a #PurpleTicket to really bring back civility, but could this get us closer?”
Former Florida Reps. Murphy and Jolly Floating Bipartisan Governor Bid – Roll Call
May 24, 2018
““Working across the aisle was a hallmark of my two terms in Congress, and the relationships I formed with members of both parties were invaluable,” Murphy said last September at the outset of the tour. “I look forward to joining my former colleague as we share our perspectives on ways we must work together to improve our broken political system.””
Patrick Murphy and David Jolly Mull Bipartisan Bid for Governor. Why Not? | Rangel – Florida Today
May 25, 2018
“his is not an endorsement of a Murphy-Jolly ticket, but I’d like to see how this experiment would play out in an era of deep divide in our state and country. Let’s face it, it will take more than a #PurpleTicket to really bring back civility, but could this get us closer?”
Former Florida Reps. Murphy and Jolly Floating Bipartisan Governor Bid – Roll Call
May 24, 2018
““Working across the aisle was a hallmark of my two terms in Congress, and the relationships I formed with members of both parties were invaluable,” Murphy said last September at the outset of the tour. “I look forward to joining my former colleague as we share our perspectives on ways we must work together to improve our broken political system.””
Murphy-Jolly Join MSNBC’s Morning Joe to Discuss a Possible Bipartisan Ticket – MSNBC
May 22, 2018
“Former U.S. Representatives Patrick Murphy (D) and David Jolly (R) announce they are considering a bipartisan ticket for Gov. and Lt. Gov. in Florida. The two join Morning Joe to discuss the possible unity ticket.”
Patrick Murphy, David Jolly Build Momentum in First National TV Appearance as a Pair – Tampa Bay Times
May 22, 2018
“In a quick four-minute appearance on MSNBC Monday afternoon, former Congressmen Patrick Murphy and David Jolly gave what seemed to be an elevator pitch for their potential run for governor and lieutenant governor.”
Bipartisan Duo Make Case for Florida Governor Campaign – Newsmax
May 22, 2018
“A bipartisan pair of former congressmen are making a case for sharing the ticket in a possible campaign for governor and lieutenant governor of Florida.”
Patrick Murphy, David Jolly Going National with TV Appearances as Speculation of Bipartisan Ticket Grows – Tampa Bay Times
May 21, 2018
“The two will appear on MSNBC this afternoon and again Tuesday morning, then Fox News on Tuesday evening, according to Jolly. On the shows they’ll be discussing the news of the day, plus gridlock in Washington and the need for bipartisan compromise — the same topics they’ve been highlighting during their speaking tour on college campuses and local Florida TV studios.”
‘Millions of Dollars Committed’: Murphy Enters New Phase of Bipartisan Bid with Jolly – Politico
May 17, 2018
“The potential bipartisan bid — the kind of unity ticket makes pundits and political analysts quiver, despite the fact that it rarely pans out — has injected a surprise element into the gubernatorial race in the nation’s largest swing state.”
Patrick Murphy Mum on Whether Poll Means He’ll Run for Florida Governor with David Jolly – TC Palm
May 4, 2018
“A Murphy-Jolly bipartisan ticket would be the front-runner in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, according to the poll released exclusively to Politico Florida.”
Poll: Murphy leads Democratic Gubernatorial Primary with GOP Running Mate Jolly – Politico
May 4, 2018
“The survey, conducted by Murphy’s former pollster and paid for by an unnamed Murphy supporter, bucks the commonly held notion that centrism — including a Murphy unity ticket with former Republican Rep. David Jolly — has no place in a partisan Democratic primary in Florida.”
Romano: What are the Odds Florida Can Lead in a Good Direction for Once? – Tampa Bay Times
April 30, 2018
“If we really are tired of allowing the zealots among us to dictate the starting line for political races, then we should welcome an idea that promises bipartisan solutions from the beginning.”
Murphy-Jolly Idea Comes Amid a Push for a New Approach to Politics – Tampa Bay Times
April 24, 2018
“For those who complain that politics is too political, two former Florida congressmen are floating an unprecedented antidote: A bipartisan ticket for governor.”
Former Florida Congressmen Mull Bipartisan Gubernatorial Run: Report – The Hill
April 23, 2018
“Jolly and Murphy have fostered a friendship over the past year, and have traveled across the U.S. on their tour “Why Gridlock Rules Washington and How We Can Solve the Crisis.””
David Jolly, Patrick Murphy Bring Bipartisanship Roadshow to Jacksonville Tuesday – Florida Politics
April 10, 2018
““One of the biggest things that are frustrating Americans on both sides of aisle, and perhaps resulting somewhat in President Trump’s election, was the lack of progress that people have been seeing,” said Murphy last year.”
David Jolly and Patrick Murphy Taking Their Tour National – Florida Politics
March 16, 2018
“Jolly & Murphy are taking their “Why Gridlock Rules Washington” show national, with upcoming gigs booked at Harvard University and in Washington, D.C., and Chicago.”
Two Former Congressmen Expose a Flawed Washington – FSU News
February 18, 2018
“Murphy emphasized how letters, emails and petitions are not wasted efforts and often do make it to a member in Congress. His office received them by the thousands. He reviewed analyses from his team each week to identify which issues to pay special attention to.”
David Jolly, Patrick Murphy Want Change to Political Status Quo – Florida Politics
February 14, 2018
“And the duo doesn’t hold back. According to shared accounts from both Jolly and
Murphy, their time in Congress was marred by partisan politics and an inability to get
lawmakers to cooperate.”
Former Congressmen to Hold Tuesday Town Hall on Washington Dysfunction – Tallahassee Democrat
February 12, 2018
“Jolly and Murphy say they are trying to pull back the curtain on Washington and shine a light on the inside reasons why D.C. is in a state of chaos and dysfunction.”
WMNF w/ Mitch Perry
January 11, 2018
Editorial: Electoral Reforms Would Help Reduce Gridlock – Gainesville Sun
October 25, 2017
“The bipartisan duo deserves credit for touring college campuses in support of such ideas. They will need significant public support to have a chance of being implemented, because our current electoral system discourages lawmakers from supporting even these reasonable reforms.”
Two former Florida Congress Members Explain Partisan Gridlock – TB Times
October 13, 2017
“Gerrymandering, closed primaries and the role of money in politics are the biggest forces pushing members of Congress to extreme positions and preventing bipartisan problem-solving.”
Now Out of Office, Murphy and Jolly Plan to ‘Pull Back the Curtain’ on Life in Congress – Miami Herald
October 03, 2017
“They intend to speak openly about the political fundraising time-suck, endless campaigning and naked partisanship that keeps lawmakers from working together because party leaders tell them to avoid joining efforts with vulnerable politicians targeted for defeat in the next election cycle.”
WATCH: Former Members Of Congress Discuss Gridlock In Washington – CBS Miami
October 03, 2017
David Jolly and Patrick Murphy are touring the country to discuss the gridlock in Washington.
Former Congressmen From Florida Expand Efforts to Fix Washington D.C. – Sunshine State News
September 28, 2017
“Working across the aisle was a hallmark of my two terms in Congress, and the relationships I formed with members of both parties were invaluable,” Murphy said.
Commentary: Aisle-Crossing Fix for Congress? – Orlando Sentinel
September 19, 2017
“Gridlock and dysfunction in Congress? Who better to critique the ills of the legislative branch of the federal government than two former members of the U.S. House of Representatives — in this case, a Florida Republican and a Florida Democrat?”
Editorial: Jolly, Murphy Call for Reforms to Make Washington Work – Tampa Bay Times
September 06, 2017
“This is a worthwhile effort to educate Floridians and build broader support for reforms that would encourage more bipartisanship and consensus-building to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges.”
David Jolly, Patrick Murphy to Embark on Speaking Tour of Florida College Campuses – Florida Politics
August 24, 2017
“I think what Patrick and I are focusing in on is regardless of where you consider yourself on the (political) spectrum, there’s a path forward to working together, and in this environment I don’t think there’s enough people speaking to that,” said Jolly.